
2008 independent presidential candidate Steve Adams

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Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Top Five Presidents

People ask all sorts of questions to find out what kind of person I am. It makes sense since I am running for President of the United States and I am largely unknown to the general public. I was recently asked who my five favorite presidents were and why.

Harry Truman once said, “No man can really fill the Presidency.” We all would love to think Washington could not tell a lie and that Honest Abe really was honest. We all want our heroes and yes, presidents to be perfect. But no one single man, by himself, could ever or can now lead our nation alone. That said, here are my choices for top five, in chronological order. Tough choices to be sure.

First would be George Washington. He seems like an easy pick, but that should not detract from his importance. Washington took the reins of a new country with a Constitution and a title. He charted a course for our nation without any precedent. By strength of character and firm resolve, he held our new nation together, rejected the call to become king himself, and allowed our democracy to survive and prosper.

Next would be Andrew Jackson. He was the first “common man” to be elected. He was a soldier at the age of 14 and a military hero. But unlike other military presidents, he was able to extend himself beyond military success and fight for limited federal government in the face of the growing threat of the Bank of the United States. He put the people first.

Next in history would be Abraham Lincoln. Again a man with common and humble upbringing who overcame to win the highest office in the land. His resolute desire and ability to save the union during the Civil War; as well as his vision for a country of, by, and for the people are simply inspiring.

My next choice would be Chester Arthur. “Who?” you might ask. Our 21st president, never elected, but taking office after the assassination of James Garfield. What I appreciate about Arthur is that he was considered fairly corrupt until he was forced into the spotlight as the president. The honor of the office brought out the best in Arthur who changed his ways and dedicated himself to cleaning up the government, even those in his own party who had put him in power.

My final choice is Ronald Reagan. I cast my first presidential vote for Reagan because he made me proud to be an American. I have yet to see a leader emerge since Reagan that evokes such pride and that is a critical factor to bond this country together. His conservative ideals, commitment to a strong national defense, and brilliant dealings with the Soviet Union earned more respect from me.

None of these men were perfect and all made mistakes. Other presidents did great things that should be noted. But to tell you who I am, these are the five presidents that stand out – maybe not in the history books or the polls – but to me.


"Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Steve Adams was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Computer Science degree in 1988, and subsequently moved to Lexington KY. He has worked as a software engineer at an international technology company since 1989. He is married with two children. He is not politically correct, but is politically active. He is a registered INDEPENDENT, running for President of the United States in 2008. No joke. You can read all about it on or e-mail Steve directly at
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