
2008 independent presidential candidate Steve Adams

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Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States

Monday, December 03, 2007

AdamsHargis08 is out of this world!!

There is always much news on the AdamsHargis08 front that I wish to share with you, but I do not like to fill my supporters' inboxes. So I encourage everyone to visit often and check out the NEWS section on the right side.

Since my last note or article, many folks have joined us as registered supporters. Welcome!

In the NEWS section, there is an important blog article addressing the question, "How can I be sure an independent won't be a spoiler?" As disappointment with the mainstream candidates grows, that question is asked more and more.

There have also been several interviews including one with XM Radio. Yes, sattelite radio broadcast around the world!

So read the latest news and listen to the latest interviews. But most importantly, pass on the news that AdamsHargis08 is on the move and we need everyone's support to keep it moving!


"Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Steve Adams was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Computer Science degree in 1988, and subsequently moved to Lexington KY. He has worked as a software engineer at an international technology company since 1989. He is married with two children. He is not politically correct, but is politically active. He is a registered INDEPENDENT, running for President of the United States in 2008. No joke. You can read all about it on or e-mail Steve directly at

AdamsHargis08 - Register your support today and tell a friend!!



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