
2008 independent presidential candidate Steve Adams

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Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States

Monday, July 16, 2007

How Goes The Campaign?

Friends ask me daily how my campaign for presidency is going. The campaign is going well and in the right direction, but not fast enough. I offer common sense and solutions that people want. Americans are generally disgusted with politics in general and with the two parties, but they feel helplessly trapped to support and vote for them. Many have stopped caring and feel they can never change the system.

Some of my friends and neighbors don’t even know who candidates are. I mention Tom Tancredo or Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich and receive blank stares. Some people can’t tell me one Republican running for office. Clinton, Edwards, and Obama are the only ones in the news.

I offer something radically different and therefore pretty scary. However people love my message and most trust the messenger. We want honest, representative, non-purchased leaders… which I am. But it will take huge amounts of communication and evidently education to get there.

In order to affect the election, to counter the millions spent in advertising and staffing by the others; I have to pose a threat to the status quo to be noticed by enough people. I need people to register their support on in thousands, not hundreds. That means every concerned, American patriot must tell their circle of influence to move and act now… or our nation will surely suffer the consequences.

We CAN make a difference. It is OUR government. It is not the government of the Kennedy's or the Bush's or the Clinton's. It is not the media's government to award to their pick. The bottom line is "We the people" have to act now or we will continue to be ruled by the parties and special interests and we will cease to have a solvent country to call home.


“Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Steve Adams was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Computer Science degree in 1988, and subsequently moved to Lexington KY. He has worked as a software engineer at an international technology company since 1989. He is married with two children. He is not politically correct, but is politically active. He is a registered INDEPENDENT, running for President of the United States in 2008. No joke. You can read all about it on or e-mail Steve directly at



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